Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Part #3...Diamonds??!!!

Once we made it back to Mississippi, we walked into a house fulllll of family members. There were about 45 of them, which apparently was only about half of the Donald side of the family. I got to meet a lot of new people, which was nice. But I was glad when it was time to relax and lay down and spend some time with Chris. The next few days were very nice. I was able to spend some good time with the man I love before he went out on the road again.

In all of this blogging I have been doing the past hour... I have yet to show you what Chris got me for Christmas. I must say, he knows how to pick them! He gave me a beautiful gift, well actually gift's.
Yes, Ladies...its real. Lol. Its from the Jane collection, "open hearts" from Kays. I love it!! I had to send the ring off to get sized and I can not wait until it comes back! It was killing me not being able to wear it. But I wear the necklace every day. He did a great job!! He is so good to me. :)
I know there are some things that I left out in these blogs... but there was so much it is hard for me to keep up with the timelines and all. Like right now I am remember something I didnt post... opening gifts with Chris's family. Lol. But all I can say is that these past 5 days have been wonderful! I packed up Chris and all his goodies for a few weeks Tuesday night, and yes, I got teary eyed. And wednesday he pulled out and went back on the road. I miss him terribly.
Until next time... :)

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