Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Keeping Sanity While My Honey Is So Far Away

My honey is way up north some where this week in the freezing cold and I am down south here in great Alabama where we finally had a cold day for the first time today since winter started. Okay, so maybe I exaggerated that just a little bit, but for real, compared to where he is...its hot here. Haha. We have vowed to take pictures every day that we are apart of something that happened or that was part of our day to share it with each other. He has sent me some beautiful scenery pics for sure! I wish I was up there with him. Oh how I miss and love snow!! But onto how much I miss and love him! I wish he was home... Thats just all there is to it. Especially since it is Christmas and all these things are going on. But I must say, seeing a little bit of his life, even though its via text, has been helpful and nice. I always get the sweetest messages... hehe. Here are some of the pics he has sent me over the past few weeks...

One of my good morning texts contained this picture... My handsome prince!

A cold and sleepy man... lol.

Beautiful snow capped mountain tops! I was so jealous of this one!

Driving through snow!

My sweet man told me he was gonna take me on a ride in one of these one day... I cant wait!!!!

Country side

Lol... random :)

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