Saturday, December 10, 2011

Concert, Party, Text Date...Whew!

Tonight I went with my parents to the Spring Hill baptist church for their "This is Christmas" concert and performance. We always like this specific Christmas performance because they use "live" still scenes in the baptistery. People dress up a characters from the Bible and they open and close in different scenes. They usually only have about 5 each year, but they open up during the songs. Pretty unique...

 I really enjoyed myself tonight. The music is always good and being with family is nice to. Before we went here, I rode with mom and dad to Lowes, one of my favorite stores. I always enjoy dad in his "work" mode, trying to find parts, talking stuff out... It makes me smile. It is so his element! We also picked counter tops out that everyone agrees on and looks fab with the new color in the kitchen! I am so excited about getting those. After the program we ran by my moms work out partners house for her little Chili Christmas get together. It was nice. I really didn't know anyone, but I like meeting new people... So there ya go. :) Talk to Chris tonight to... We had a "pic text date" eariler today... Here is the newest pic from him. Still out of the snow... hehe.

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