Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Years to you and yours. I hope that all of you had a good one. I brought in the New year with my church family worshiping. It was great. First off I love to sing. But what better things to sing than worship music. I went home feeling great. I know that God has a lot in store for my life this new year. So many people are going around saying how this is our last year on earth... I dont really believe in the mayan calendar but I do believe that God only knows the time when the world will end...and as far as that is concerned, the end could be tomorrow. Are you ready? If God came back tonight, would you make it to heaven?

On to other things! Church was amazing today. Did I mention that I loved worshiping!? Lol. Then I got a phone call from Chris saying that he was in Meridian, so I high tailed it up here to spend tonight, tomorrow...well until tuesday morning with him. I have a lot of expectations for this new year. 2012 is going to be all that it can be...Greatness. I just know it.
Thank you God for another Year!!! :)

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