Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just MAYBE This Will Work...Yes. It Will.

Today has been a very hard day with the diet. However, I did stay up ALL night with my best friend because of not feeling good and scares that were going on around our area. We ate a super early b'feast (for us) and had no sleep. I went to John's and driving over there was so hard. I could barely keep my eyes open. When I got poor boyfriend was so kind enough to let me sleep a few hours...but boy did I wake up in a funky feeling/mood. It was not pleasent. I was hungary and didn't know what to eat that I could get to fast because being on a low carb doesn't really give you many choices. Ended up going to Mc'D's and got a mcdouble with no cheese and no bread...sounds yummy huh. Lol. Well, it did help my mood alot but I was still hungary. John and I came back to my house where I was going to cook, but then decided to wait to cook until around dinner time, becaues I knew if I ate early I would have a problem about 9 or 10 at night. Not a good thing! Here is one thing that I think is just not fair!...GUM is one carb! What the crap. Hah. Oh well, I was actually able to enjoy one piece tonight because I had 4 carbs to spare. Aren't I lucky? :)

I believe that this diet will work...I have to believe it. It has been interesting to say the least. But I am glad that I have two others who are doing the same thing to lean on. It is not easy changing your lifestyle. But I am feeling "lighter" and seem to be feeling results...First big weight in, in about a week or so.

I keep telling myself...I can do all things through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS me!!! Amen? Amen!!
So far, Rach and I have come up with some yummy no to low carb entrees. Like a meat stir fry with peppers and cheese...YUMMY. I have to say, if you like meat...this is def. for you. However, I am sure it is much harder for a "sweets person". But, we took hot coco mix and froze it. It makes good for a little chocolate fix at night. Also, I am learning (from trial and error) how to make slushes with carb free drinks such as coke zero, usually only if it had been a good, (meaning low carb intake) day. We are only allowed 20 a day. Its hard! But, I believe it will be SO WORTH IT! Thank you God for giving me the strength  to make it through today! Around 12:45 I started to think I would not make it...but you helped me pull through! YES!

For all of you who are trying diets out there...Remember, God reigns. He gives. He answers. He seeks us. He wants us to have a temple in our being for his purpose. He is good. All the time. :)

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