Saturday, October 9, 2010

Uncertain Life

The title to this entry says it all, don't you think? I think most of us go through our daily lives feeling uncertain on the inside while we put on a mask of positive certainty for the rest of the world to see. I have started reading Amos and it has brought light to my current job, no money...etc. God has taught me that even in my midst of troubles, no job, and all he can still use me to his glory. I have learned that MAYBE God had a reason for me to be free or to have free time for this current day. But, have I really been listening and doing what he may be asking of me? I have had many sleepless nights, and not until recently have I began to think that maybe there was a deeper reason, than just being stressed out, for this also. My best friend told me to just sit up and say  "okay God, I am here" and see what happens. All this week it has been on my heart to read Amos...I am not really sure what I will get out of it but I am taking a leap of faith forward and going to see what God has out there for me. Its just an uncertain road. The only thing that I know for sure is that I serve one awesome God and he is alive!

God has been doing so much in my life lately as well as the lives of the people around me. There is so much that I want to jump for joy about. Have you ever had an "out of body" experience? They are scary and awesome at the same time. It is in my heart to reach others. I believe that God has told me to reach out to people...and i just havn't done it. Shame on my part. I love immersing myself in God...worship, gatherings with other fellowship, devo talk, prayer...I love it all. John and I have decided to go looking after a church that fit both our needs spiritually. The church we have been attending has been great. The pastor is the only thing really that has kept my interest. The music is to, well "concert" style. Lights, smoke, etc. Sometimes I feel like it kind of takes away. Also, I know noone there! Not a single person talks to you when they see you, noone fellowships within the service...its almost unwelcoming. I am needing a place where I can get immersed in and learn and grow deeper with other Christians.

I know God has a plan...I am just praying that he show himself to me and John.

"For I know the plans I have made for You"- I always like to quote scripture and then say "Love, God"
He is part of His plan...I know it! :)

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