Wednesday, November 3, 2010

7 Pounds Down!! week...7 pounds down! Yay!!!! To be exact however, I could have lost more, because we weighed out first weigh in on the forth day...three days later on day 7, I was down 7 pounds! It is the most awesome feeling! Since then, Rachel and I have been walking/jogging three miles every day. We are hoping to boost the process just a little bit more! I can not describe this feeling. Taking control of your body in a positive way is so exhilarating! (spelling?) It is also a very emotional experience! My friend and I had made a list of incentives and goals that we wanted to reach, other than weight...and when I think about them and how soon they could be accomplished, I tear up. Loosing 7 pounds made me numb. Because i thought, wow...Lucy You Can Do This! Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with God!!! Amen! Whew....I am feeling good tonight!

Oh not to mention, I got a job! haha. I started today. Its temporary and I am still looking for something new and better, but for now...ITS MONEY! lol.

I am amazed!

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