Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just A Tad Bit...MAD!

I dont understand this! I am so aggrivated. I am working my butt off to find work and my family gives me no credit for it. All I hear is well can you do this, can you do that, things that I dont mind doing around the house, but they are things that were once done by another individual as part of their duties. Now its, well (he/she) is working now so you need to...yada yada yada! Make me feel like crap why dont you! Go ahead, call me Ms.NoJob. I already feel useless. I don't spend money, cause I am about out of it. I dont go driving all over town, to save gas. I dont sit at home every day waiting on the world to change, God won't let me. And yet, people look so down on me. This one individual person who, now, has a job working evenings, thinks (he/she) is IT! They do whatever, leave food out, just like today...I walked in and the mayo, bread, meat, chips, and knives with mayo on them all open on the counter! I am at least trying to make a effort to cleaning up, making dinner, doing the dishes, cleaning house while my parents are gone! I'm to old to be here. I fight with a 16 yr old who has no respect and doensnt care about the world around himself/herself. UHHH! So frustrating. This one could get away with murder because no matter what is said or done, he/she will still believe they are right. One min they are disiplined and the next its "no, I dont have to" and they go on about their own business and noone wants to fight because it takes to much energy!

Lord help me live here...and help me to get out by this next year. Please!

What this individual gets to LEAVE OUT.  

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