Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Leap of Faith

Today is Tuesday, August 31, 2010, also known as the day I resigned from my job at Resources for Independence as a Lead DSS over dayhab.

    Because, of the hostel enviornement that was created by the administrion.
    The threating language that was used  towards myself and other employees.
    The stress levels that I went to.
    My job duties being compromised.
     And so much more...

I felt so much better after writing my letter. Today was awful. A certain person has continued to make me feel like a peice of nothing, ever since I started working there. I have put a lot into that job, and a lot of good has come from it...but its time to put my health and peace of mind first. Yes, I will be under a financial burdon for a little while. But out of all the times I have wanted to quit...this one just felt so, so, so right.

I am leaning solely on God. Pray for me!

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