Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Story...

John and I have been together for a year in November. How we met...Well, I'm gonna tell ya!

In Nov of 2009, my best friend, Rachel, was talking to John's good friend, David. One day, while David was trying to get Rachel to go on a "date" with him, I made the comment (jokingly) "hey do you have a friend, we could double!"...I didn't realize that he would take it seriously! His reply was, "actually, yes."

A few days later the four of us met up to go bowling. Needless to say it was a hassel to get the four of us together, but I need not to go into all of that detail...haha. Apparently John really didnt care to meet me. :( However, none the less, we got together and started our night!

Bowling was SO FUN! John tried so hard to talk to me, and I was very attracted to him, but I dont think it was as laid back as we would have liked until I had an "uh oh" moment down the bowling alley! I went to bowl, except you know when the ball leaves your hand and you are susposed to step back...well I just so happened to go down with the ball!! To their amusement, I was so embarrased! Apparently I got up faster than lighting however. That, needless to say, was a huge ice breaker...The rest of the night was a lot of fun! I will never forget it.

John had to work the next day, so we were departing a little early. However, once we departed, and were susposed to go home and go to sleep...we stayed up texting a lot! I liked it...hehe.

So on and so forth...we are still together! A few nights and kisses later...here we are.

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