Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A New Day...Out of Control Laughter

Today has gone so good so far. Got my "new" resume typed up and printed, now running around town, here and there, looking for what is avaliable. At the same time, spending time with my best friend. Both of us are in job hunting mode. I dont really like it, however, it is much better than what I was having to deal with at RFI. Now, I have to go file some complaint against them for wrong-doings. My stress weight has been lifted though, thank you Lord.

Today, while driving, Rachel and I had one of our laughing spells. It was awesome! I love it when you laugh uncontrolably, tears running down your face, cant breath, chest hurts, whaling...etc. It gives you a good feeling about life. Its always nice to have someone to do that with. I wish more people could laugh like that more often. The simplest things set our's off. Like today, we were talking and it got silent for just a sec and both of us busted out in the same song, same line, some tone! Who does that?!?! Lol. It was so funny! That laughing session lasted for a good 10 mins. She was driving and literally holding her eyes open with her fingers at the same time...thats a wreck waiting to happen!

I wish you all days like that... :)

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