Sunday, November 28, 2010

What...I'm 21? Lol.

It's sad...I just turned 21, feel no different, just feel like 30 is getting close! Hah. Isn't that just sad. I still have 9 years!

Oh but I had a lot of fun though! John and I got dressed nice and he took me to Biloxi for the evening! It was so nice. He is always so considerate of me and always giving me the best he can and loves me so very much. I can't get enough of him. God has blessed me in so many ways! Bringing him into my life has made me a whole new person...and I like this Lucy. hehe.

Yes...i gambled. Get over it. haha. I had a good time. We ate at the resturant there at the casino, boy was that expensive! On top of robbing you of money on the slots, they charge you an arm and a leg to EAT! Stupid if you ask me. Next time we will be going out to eat somewhere else, then off to play a bit.

Casinos is not something I think I would do offten. A very easy way to waste money, and these days I need my money to go into "sure" places. Lol. But, for a first time experience, it was very nice. I enjoy all date nights with my honey. He is never short to susprising me!

Here are some pics...

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