Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Damn Doormat

Last night was just awful. I could not sleep at all. I had so much on my mind that I couldn't rest. The sad thing is that for the most part, I didnt really know what was on my mind or why I was so down. I couldn't pick out a reason for myself. However, later in the night, I walked into the kitchen and found something someone had written. And I guess that being in an "already" down mood, it made it ten times worse. I took what that person wrote as..."I am un-welcomed", no longer wanted here, like I needed to hurry up and get a life. Had I really made it that bad for this person to resent me so much? Ok, so not resent...this is just me taking things out of context and reading to deep within the lines...and I hope, know, assume this note really wasnt for me to read and then think all of these things...I hope. But for some reason I feel like I cant walk freely in my own home anymore. Parents home that is...maybe thats why I feel this way. I wish I could move out...I know everyone would be so much happier. My brother could have the bigger room and noone to worry about what he is doing, my mom wouldnt have to argue with me or accuse me. I could come home on weekends to see my dad...he isn't here any other time than that. His job keeps him gone most of the week... She called herself the "damn doormat".

I am not feeling to well today...

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