Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Diet Day One :)

Today was the day that I started yet another diet. However, I am more confident than ever! I was so convienced that a lot of the reason from my depressed feelings and anxiety came from my opinion and look at myself. First off I am still looking for a job, and that is depressing in itself! I would never go back on my choice for leaving RFI, that place was awful. However, the anxiety about not having work eats me alive. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a ugly, unworthy, and so much more. Blah blah blah...all of that stuff needs to go. Soon, I will have a job, soon I will lose my weight, soon I will be happy with myself. I know God has a plan for me. Yep...and it started today.

I feel good today, other than being sick. But emotionally I feel good.

Yesterday I went and go diet stuff. I am now drinking ONLY water, crystal light (hungar satisfaction and metabolisim), and some juice. I am eating 1500 or less calories a day...and I feel good!  I am not starving and im not full...just in between. When ever I feel the urge to look in the fridge I drink a water and jog in place or make myself busy doing something active. However, I do have to keep it up! Pray for me! I know its going to be tough!!!!

I cant give up... :) Anyone want to join me in my challange!?? 15 pounds this month! Well 30 days... Here are models or examples of what I am hoping to change... And then be.

Approx. Before
Approx. After (my goal weight) I go!


  1. Your not ugly, or fat blah blah blah blah...your beautiful and I love you the way you are. Nothing wrong with trying to take better care of your body, but stop calling your self fat and ugly!!
