Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Changes for health

My church is doing a fast for 21 days and I got to thinking that some of these "fasting rules" (they are doing the daniel) would be good to carry on forever. One because I am really striving to loose as much weight as possible and two because I would like to carry a year long fast of "something" each year as maybe an incentive to keep improving and growing in my spiritual life. If you don't know what the daniel fast consist of it mainly cuts out meats, sodas, all sweets, breads, etc. After the 21 days I am vowing to do the following for the rest of the year...:

1. No more sodas (you can do it Lucy!!!)
2. No more food after 7! (this will be hard because I am one to stay up late and always munch, and my body shows it!)
3. I will exercise EVERYDAY for at least 30 mins. (at home... videos, bands, walking...just something to get my heart going)
4. I will eat HEALTHY food portion sizes! And learn to know the difference from being satisfied and full.

I am not going to add more onto myself than I think I can handle... So I am starting with this. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Repeat until it becomes, I know I can, I know I can...

Praying, praying, praying... Im tired of being the same. I pray that I get to where I love to be involved in healthy activities and get enough courage to go out and be active even in front of people. I know there is happiness in it. I just have to actually stick with it long enough this time to get it done. I wish I had a support group or friend that was available to go through this with me. But, friends will come in time I am sure... maybe. lol. Everyone I know is pretty good looking. Ah well... I can do it... I have to.

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