Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Day With Habitat For Hummanity

Me in my hard hat :)
This past Saturday I went and worked with a large group of people (thanks to the invite of a good friend) on a house that HFH was building. I got there and was actually kinda nervous because I didn't know what to expect. But once some people that I knew showed up and the show got on the road I started to really enjoy myself. I have been on building teams before, but that was in Mexico in like 2006. Throughout the day however, I began to realize just how much I loved doing stuff like this and started telling myself I need to do this more often. I worked with Carlis and Daniel on the table saw, stripping down plywood for most of the morning. Then help put the roof of a porch up, then the upper under side of the roof area of the porch and one side of the house that afternoon with Markel and Daniel. Wood chips flew in my face, my hands got splinters, got hit in the head with plywood (thank you God for your shield and hard hats!), was scared to use a nail gun (yet shooting shotguns are nothing to me..haha), but in all of this I had some wonderful fellowship and it felt so good to do something besides sit around and waste a Saturday. God can use us in so many ways to do great things. I have decided that I am going to devote one day a week while I am not working to helping out building these houses. I talked to the man in charge and he said that a lot of the time during the week they have very few helpers but are over loaded on Saturdays. So I am going to put in my time. When I start working again, I still want to put in time...just maybe a few days a month. I LOVED it. I loved being apart of a project like that. I encourage everyone to go out and do something nice for someone else! God is soooo good!
I promise I helped do this haha...just had to stop to take a quick pic. The guys worked so hard though! The Red hatted one holding the plywood is Carlis and the one to his left in the white hat is Daniel. (Two of my buds)

Part of the inside of the house

Roofing! The guy with the orange hat ON the roof is Markel.

Markel holding up plywood bravely while Daniel uses the nail gun. LOL

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