Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lucy...God Has You

I have not been able to really sit down and think about all that has happened in the past few days...and here I am almost midnight on a Tuesday night...thinking.

First off let me say, God is pure awesome. I do not know of another word that I can use to describe Him right now. There are a millions ways to describe Him...but awesome fits for now. We had the "The Great Awakening" conference at our church this past week with the Rodney Howard Browne ministries and Pastor Daniel Mcghee came to Mobile and preached Wed-Fri on going out, winning souls, having a hungry heart, being what God has called us to be. I craved being there each night. I loved hearing the WORD. I loved hearing things from the Bible. He spoke truth and I loved it. Even though I read my Bible, I do not do it everyday, and this past week helped me realize how much I was missing it every day. We actually crave the Word of God. I was so eager to get there each night because I was being fed. And boy, did my life transform.

I realized new things about myself and am new. God gave me visions and new dreams. He blessed me...Reminded me of how much he LOVES me! It felt so good. I was in His presence and it was like being wrapped up in HUGE arms, warm and comfortable, like a baby, held and prayed over. Jesus prays over us! That thought alone brings me to a place that I can not describe.

I pray everyone feels what it is like to be "drunk" on the Holy Ghost and be in the arms of Jesus.

And I knew I was doing right...when the attacks started to come. The devil was mad...hahahahahaha. So what! He doesn't like it when we are sold out for God. He will use any and everything to sway us. I have made up my mind to do nothing without Jesus though. Ya know, I was texting a friend of mine today and was talking about satan and Jesus...and I was amazed when I realized this...That when I typed out "God", my auto correct on text changed it to "god" (lower caps), then when I tried to type "satan" (lower caps) it automatically changed it to "Satan" (upper caps)!!! I was like OH MY GOODNESS! Even my cell phone is corrupt!!! I have a issue with upper capping someones name who tries to make my life worthless because I live in the arms of Jesus!

Since Saturday, I have been battling different situations, emotions, unnecessary hurts...
But when I let God in all my fears subside. I have had issues with "feeling guilty" when I have done nothing wrong, but the words of people put thoughts in my head. I have to go into everyday with God on my mind so that these "words" cannot hurt me like they used to. This was my facebook status Sunday...

Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."...Before judging or accusing, ASK for facts of a persons situation!

I FELT as if I was being condemned because satan was trying to attack me. But, I know who I am. I am a child of God. Therefore there is no condemnation in Him. I am loved and cherished. I am beautiful. I am special. I am cared for. I have a home in His arms. He is my guidance. He is my Savior.  

As you can see in the post below this one, I expressed a lot through artwork today. My heart has felt a lot over the past few days. I am not a drawing artist but I love photography, so I drew the best I could and then edited them with my pictures. Haha. But God can use all of our gifts in many ways! I felt broken and hurt...but God restored my heart to a bigger and better place. Sometimes our families, friends, churches, or even strangers can say or do things to make us feel "unloved", "unwanted", "forgotten",... and so on. But remember...

God Never Forgets Nor Forsakes Thee! 

Express Yourself!

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