Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why Do I Fell THIS Way?

This past week has been so rough for me. I am not sure why. I guess because I have been thinking a lot about being alone, especially during the holidays. I miss having special people around. I just feel like my temper is short and I am sad all the time. I put on a good smile a lot of the time, especially when I look around and see how sad everyone else in the world looks. Its just awful. This time of year should be cheerful and full of love. I mean, why shouldn't it! Jesus was born. Died for us. Loves us. But why can't I even be fully happy this time of year. There are a lot of things that I desire and I wonder if God will ever grant me the things I want out of life. Maybe I am just in a "funk" right now. Today during church my mind was in a million different places. The singing was amazing and I loved hearing voices blend so beautifully together. But any time someone got up to talk it was like a blur. I'm ready to feel good again. My emotions are so up and down.

I am visiting at my brother's in Jonesboro this weekend. Will head back home tomorrow afternoon. His girlfriend, Jessica is here and I just love her! So glad that she is apart of our family now. I hope to one day have someone in my life that is as good to me as she is to my brother.

I have been reading a lot. Love and faith stories. Maybe its not helping my mood any. When does a books story ever happen in real life...

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