Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Spirit

As a child I remember taking family drives through neighborhoods thoughout the city and looking at all the Christmas lights on the houses. It was always a great memory of mine. I also remember feeling that "cheer" was seen more and people seemed to be a little more happy. The past few days, as I have intentionally been looking for such things, I have wondered where it has all gone to. Perhaps the real reason for the season has been lost and so has the joy. I was on my way home from my brothers house last night and came through a neighborhood in Olive Branch just to look for lights and out of about 100 houses (est.), I literally saw two that had any kind of lights on them at all. One had a string of white lights on the roof and the other had a santa in the front yard. Not to put an "importance" on Christmas decoration, but I just feel like everything is missing its happiness.

Christ is the reason for the season. Seems as if he has been pushed out of our busy life styles as well. Everything this season is all about "what do I get". What happened to many communities going downtown to feed the homeless? What happened to making your next door neighbor a homemade card and a pie? What happened to inviting friends to different church events?

What happened to telling the story of Jesus?

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