Saturday, January 1, 2011

A very merry Chistmas and a Happy New Year!

Wow, it has been forever since I have written on my blog. But, what a wonderful time these past two months have been.

Work is going great. It is completely different than that of my old job, it is laid back and relaxed. I thank God every day for giving me this opportunity.

So, Christmas came and went. It was wonderful however. John got me a wii and my parents got me some very nice stuff and a flat screen tv. I was a very happy girl this year. always.

Since Christmas, I have been off and on sick and New Years was spent at my second home, the home that I housesit at often, playing Mario on the wii. Sounds so relaxing huh...didnt even see fireworks.

My best friend is now so happy for her. She and Dorly will most likely be getting married within the next year. So, that is a new adventure ready to pop open...likely to be busy and fast! It will be here before we know it.

My best friend and I have also decided that since we will both (most likely) be getting married within the next year or so that would start a "Bucket List Before Marriage" for the two of us. Which includes things like trips and adventures we want to take before stepping into marriage. I am very excited about this. I will post them when we figure out everything we want to do!

I spent the new year praying on my knees 5 min. before and 5 min. after midnight, leaving 2010 and entering 2011 in was AWESOME! I would not have traded it for the world...

This year is going to be good. I can feel it.

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