Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Time Doesn't Wait On You

I just got finished watching the movie "The Rite". Very interesting movie to say the least. However, it went along with the conversation between Tha' DAP last night at our bible study. We were talking about demonic forces and how they effect us today and how they walk the earth and what their shapes and forms are. I believe there is a spiritual warfare still going on, has been going on, and will continue to go on. Satan will always try to get to you, to take over your soul...but it is up to you whether or not you open the doors for him to bust through with excitement because you are weak in a area. I know what an attack feels like. It happens often. Satan is always going to try and sway you, he will lie to you, tell you things are going to be okay when they aren't.

But God... He will save you from lies, deceit, pain, fear, shadows, HELL.... He battles for you everyday in spiritual warfare!

A lot of people that I talk to run from God because they know they have to give up a lifestyle that they may have lived for most of their lives. I can understand where it is hard to let go of something that you are used to and that you have known forever...but if they just get one sweet taste of the Holy Spirit, it puts a hunger in them they eventually they will no longer be able to ignore anymore. God feels good, when he breaths on you, it feels like your falling into a huge open ocean and cool water is rushing over you. (many may describe it differently, but its still a feeling of unspeakable joy, comfort, greatness)

I remember the first time that I really felt Holy Fire. I have been in special places with God before then, but this was a total surrender on my part, I completely let the Holy Spirit take over my entire being, and it was a feeling that I have NEVER felt before. I remember never wanting to come out of it, but when I did, I was exhausted! Literally exhausted. My body had just experienced something so powerful that I was ready to sleep. My body was tired...but my spirit was on fire, it was yearning to have more...I would be that exhausted 24/7 just to stay in that place. When we operate in that all the time...when we wake up and eat, drink, breath, think, and live God, our lives are transformed into something glorious. And when we can live like that, others see it on you, they want it to. I'm not saying that being a Christian is easy. I'll be one of the first to tell you that it isnt. You will face challanges all the time. Why? Because when you gave your life to God...You made satan VERY angry. He does just like most people do when they are angry...they seek revenge and want to hurt you. So he will attack in all kinds of have to keep pushing and know God has already won the war for you. As Chrisitans we are to be Christ like. One of our biggest goals should be to bring EVERYONE to Christ. When the thought of someone not going to Heaven gets to your mind, you should feel so saddened! It breaks my heart to know that not everyone will make it to Heaven. But what am I doing to change that? We are all called to evangilize in some sort of way. This does not mean that you will be a missionary to Africa, the US, or that you will work in a homeless ministry, or that you will take grocries for elderly people to their houses...or that you will prech, sing, and be an elder in the church. Working for God can be being a teacher in a public school system, and being a positive outlook for those children. It can be being the foster mom to those kids who never had a safe and christian home. We show God off in all that we do. We either promote Him or demote Him...Which are you doing in your everyday actions?

Are you saved? Will you go to Heaven? Are you doing all you could do?

Time doesn't wait on you... Get Saved. Bring others to God. Promote Him. Follow his ways...
Time doesn't wait on you...

Jesus Died For YOU...

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