Talk about LIFE! Really... Living Indecisively For Ever. Ha Ha. Just kidding. I really just came up with that but I dont really think I am going to live my life indecisively forever. But, who knows. So money these days is REALLY tight. I am so ready to get a new job and move on with life. Being that is is the holidays, I love to buy for others and being that money is very low, I can't. Therefore a depressive state comes in. I do not see myself being depressive, just anxious I guess. I will be glad when one day my money troubles are over. Onto another subject, my dad went to have another stress test the other day and it didn't come back to well. In the past 10 years he has had 12 caths and 2 open heart surgeries. We may be possibly looking at a 3rd surgery soon... Lord I pray not. I can only continue to pray for my dad... I love him so, so, so much.

Semi's...hehe. I finally had the chance to see my boyfriend after a few weeks of him being gone on the road for a few hours last night. Although it wasn't a long visit, I wouldn't have traded those few hours for anything. It was so good to see him. It was also neat to see and be inside a semi truck for the first time. They are actually really cool. I wouldn't mind traveling in one for a little while. Hopefully soon I will be able to go with him.
I asked him to show me how a 6'9 man sleeps in a twin bed. LOL |
I thank God for all of the good that he is bringing into my life and all of the blessings that he has given me. I also thank him for the trials and tribulations. Although they are hard to get through, all things in Him are good. I know God has me and I know that he loves me. I know he will not let me down....I have to not let Him down. He says "ask and you shall receive". Im asking for peace, boldness, clarity, strength, patience, and abundant life. God is soooooo good.
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