Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Between weddings and Ice cream!

Yesterday I stayed home sick from work, slept most of the day and thought that I would be better enough to go out with Rachel to Davids Bridal for her gown fitting and to fit my dress. It was a lot of fun, and I felt pretty good for the most part until the end. But, what a night! A lot of good laughs and good friends to share the memories with. I am so happy for her and so blessed and thankful to be her "made of honor". I can not wait to go to haiti in December!

Woke up this morning...sick again. Go figure. So, since I cant have solid foods, ice cream has become my best and worst friend! haha. Chocolate ice cream and I love Lucy in bed = wonderful! However, missing work means missing money...which is not good. It also means I am only that much further behind on my accounts that I am in charge of.

I call him Mr. Fluey...and I dont really like it when he visits me! Haha.

Even when sick, I still feel blessed today. I have enjoyed skypeing with my best friend off and on and relaxing. I am about to start some laundry that should have been done eariler, but my sleep has been off and on.

So much is happening in my life! Yet at the same time, I feel dull at some points. Ha. I have to keep telling myself that God has a plan...and I know he does. Cause if he didnt...i would be in some big time trouble! Wouldn't we all!

Here are some old school pics....Gotta love um! 

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