Saturday, July 13, 2013

In The Middle of This Summer

I really hate that I don't seem to have time to just sit and write on here anymore. Work has certainly kept me busy. As you all know... it's summer! Woo-hoo. For most people this means beaches, pools, vacations, late nights, roof top parties, etc. For me, it's going to bed at 9 or 10, waking up at 6, going to the gym, working all day taking pictures of seniors, coming home and going to bed to do it all over again. With the weekly visit to church and maybe a outing with a friend or two. Ok, so I shouldn't make it sound like I have done 'nothing' fun. :)

I have been able to experience a few new things this summer. I have been in Memphis over a year now, actually a year and a half, and still have yet to go and experience a lot that Memphis has to offer. Over the past two months I have gone to Mud Island, The Zoo, Metro 67, Beale St., and explored downtown. All of which I have enjoyed! I also went over Memorial Day weekend to Alabama for a family reunion on my dad's side of the family then over the 4th spent several days in Oklahoma with my mom's parents. I have certainly had a lot to smile about. I also visited a different church, The Body, a co-worker of mine goes there. Not that I am leaving Life Fellowship... I love it there. It's just really nice to interact with people more my age sometimes.

I have learned that I really like Imagine Dragons. Don't know who they are? Well they are a singing group. Ha. Their sound has become very appealing to me. I still can never get enough of some good worship too though. My latest favorite has been "You Are For Me" by Kari Jobe. You should listen to it! Its an awesome reminder at who God is for US!

Have I mentioned lately how much God loves me? He must. Some days I wonder if He really does. But then I realize I am still alive... and alive to trust and praise Him through all things.

Here are some pics over this summer!

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