Those words..."You Might Not Finish This Chapter..."
Have you ever really thought about it? Not just about not finishing a chapter, but how about not finishing your coffee? Not finishing giving your child a bath? Not finishing that last bite of homemade cheesecake? Not finishing telling you spouse you love them...?
After reading ch. 2 I felt really blessed to still be breathing but also knew the importance (reminded) in every breath I take and how every breath is a gift and I should be using every breath for bring Glory to God. That seems so small and little so much of the time in our daily lives! Don't ya think? We wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast, do our hair, brush our teeth, makeup, dress, pack our belongings, walk to the car, drive to work, work 8 hours, drive home, cook dinner, change clothes, watch some tv, brush our teeth, climb into bed, say a quick prayer, and go to sleep. To only wake up 8 hours later and do it all over again. How many times during that day did you glorify God? How many times did you stop to say thank you? How many times did you make everything you did...not about you?
We take SO much for granted in this life. We as humans act as if we know when and how life works and moves around us. Not! In Ch.2 Francis Chan explains it as like a movie. You are a extra in the movie and feel and act as if you are the star. Your face is barely shown for two seconds and yet you talk, act, and believe that you are the star. Just like in this movie, we do the same in the "movie of life". Instead of knowing, believing, and acting as if God is the main character, director, and writer, we put Him to the side and try to take over.
I will admit. I can be the worlds worst at taking things for granted!! I have gone days, maybe even weeks before underestimating God. I have put my problems and circumstances before God so many times!
The following passage hit me like a brick when I read it!- "When I am consumed by my problems- stressed out about my life, my family, my job- I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice. In other words, that I have a 'right' to disobey God because of the magnitude of my responsibilities."- Francis Chan. Wow, talk about a slap in the face! Especially mine! So many days of my life were/are wasted worrying, crying, over thinking circumstances in my life and forgetting to rejoice!
My mother has always been a advocate for rejoicing even when the bad days come along. She has always told me to "grab the sink and thank God for it". I used to smirk when she said it and kinda pushed it to the back of my mind... Until one day, shortly after moving here to the Memphis area and having a breaking point, I grabbed onto my car steering wheel and continually thanked God for it and rejoiced in Him for all that I had in Him at that moment in time instead of letting my circumstances over take me any longer. (Thanks mom for the great advice).
I still however, to this day, forget these small things. But put forth effort to do better!
Phil. 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again; Rejoice!" After inserting this into ch.2 Chan goes on to say..."You'll notice that it doesn't end with...'unless you're doing something extremely important.' No, it's a command for all of us, and it follows with the charge, 'Do not be anxious about anything!'"
Do not be anxious? WHAT! Oh my, how do I even do that!? I am an anxious person. Honestly. Things weigh on my bad. But its commanded to me that I am not anxious. This is seriously hard for me. Great example of a time where I have to come outside my comfort zone, rejoice in God, praise Him, and ask him continually to help me give all my worries to Him and let Him guide me. This is A EVERYDAY CHALLENGE for me... almost a every minuet of my day challenge.
I have to make the choice to pray about it, seek God in my hard times, and thank Him, and rejoice in Him in good and bad.
I want to live like the words written by Brooke Bronkowski in a essay titled "Since I have My Life Before Me". Most of you may have heard of her story... but here is what she wrote before being killed in a accident at a young age.
"I’ll live my life to the fullest. I’ll be happy. I’ll brighten up. I will be more joyful than I have ever been. I will be kind to others. I will loosen up. I will tell others about Christ. I will go on adventures and change the world. I will be bold and not change who I really am. I will have no troubles but instead help others with their troubles.
You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age. Oh, I’ll have moments, good and bad, but I will wipe away the bad and only remember the good. In fact that’s all I remember, just good moments, nothing in between, just living my life to the fullest. I’ll be one of those people who go somewhere with a mission, an awesome plan, a world-changing plan, and nothing will hold me back. I’ll set an example for others, I will pray for direction.
I have my life before me. I will give others the joy I have and God will give me more joy. I will do everything God tells me to do. I will follow the footsteps of God. I will do my best!!!"- B. Bronkowski
Oh to learn to live like that!
Praise God your breathing. Change your daily routine. Live it for Him and Him only.
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