Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Still Breathing!

So, since moving in we have yet to really have the house in total order...humm I am wondering if it will ever be in order. However, I did get the master bedroom redone and I love it! I will post pictures of it in the next blog when I update about the house.

So far we have visitied a few churches. This is kind of a pain. I wish I could wake up and the perfect church for us as a couple would just be at our front door. We have two that we like though...but we need to do a little more searching before making a decision. Bringing two church backgrounds into a family is not really easy, but we are making comprimises and working it out. I am so thankful to have a great man in my life. He is usually really understanding haha. Most of the time.

We got a really nice and unpleasent surprise at the same time... turns out (although I have not really needed it) the AC is broken and has been broken all month. The nice part about it was that our electric bill was only $37. This was great for our first month and since Im still not working at the moment. Granted we still owed half the deposit so our actual amount due was a little larger but still this is GREAT! I thought it was going to be crazy expensive. After seeing this I wondered if maybe I could tough out the heat when Chris is not home this summer and keep our bill this low...doubt it! It sounds nice though. Ha.

Chris is off working all the time... So I am here in Olive Branch alone all the time...which is good I guess because we aren't married just yet. Lol. However, it is coming up so quickly! Only around 8 weeks left. My parents have been working hard getting the land ready for all of our guest and I finally sent out invitations! I looked at my list and there is still a lot I have to do. First and foremost Chris needs to get his tux...what kind of a wedding would that be if everyone but the groom had a matching tux...haha. Actually it may look just right considering who we are...silly people. Lol. :)

I will be posting anther post really soon about the house updates and all. Several people have been asking about pictures of the house...don't worry they are coming. Just wanted to get it somewhat in order first. No one wants to see a messy house over the internet...you can just come over for that! Hahah. Just playing.

I miss my family and my friends! Love you all!

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