Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas Spirit
Christ is the reason for the season. Seems as if he has been pushed out of our busy life styles as well. Everything this season is all about "what do I get". What happened to many communities going downtown to feed the homeless? What happened to making your next door neighbor a homemade card and a pie? What happened to inviting friends to different church events?
What happened to telling the story of Jesus?
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Why Do I Fell THIS Way?
I am visiting at my brother's in Jonesboro this weekend. Will head back home tomorrow afternoon. His girlfriend, Jessica is here and I just love her! So glad that she is apart of our family now. I hope to one day have someone in my life that is as good to me as she is to my brother.
I have been reading a lot. Love and faith stories. Maybe its not helping my mood any. When does a books story ever happen in real life...
Catch Up Post From My "New Start" Blog
Friday, May 11, 2012
Life Goes On
So, life does go on! And boy, am I happy that it does. I have an amazing job at the biggest studio in Memphis. I also have my own place, my friends, my own money... my life! I am learning new things day by day and I couldn't ask for more. Now, of course, I could ask for people to stop making up rumors, assumptions, yada yada yada and just leave things alone and mind their own business... but people just don't do that. Its second nature to always be right.
I am happy. Point blank. I thank God EVERYDAY! Life can not go anywhere but up from here.
So, now that this is out even more publicly... say a prayer for both families. God does have a plan... and I can not wait to live it out. I know the lessons I have learned and they have been and will be so valuable to me.
Live every day as if it was your last! Love yourself! Remember your own heart is important to!
Love, Lucy
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Name This Holiday: Ressurection Day vs. Easter
And while we're at it, the Easter Bunny comes from these pagan rites of spring as well, but more from pagan Germany than pagan Britain. Eighteenth-century German settlers brought "Oschter Haws" (never knew he had a name, did you?) to America, where Pennsylvania Dutch settlers prepared nests for him in the garden or barn. On Easter Eve, the rabbit laid his colored eggs in the nests in payment. In Germany, old Oschter lays red eggs on Maundy Thursday. If anyone knows why children in an agrarian society would believe a rabbit lays eggs, please tell us or a historian near you. We're all dying to know.---
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Still Breathing!
So far we have visitied a few churches. This is kind of a pain. I wish I could wake up and the perfect church for us as a couple would just be at our front door. We have two that we like though...but we need to do a little more searching before making a decision. Bringing two church backgrounds into a family is not really easy, but we are making comprimises and working it out. I am so thankful to have a great man in my life. He is usually really understanding haha. Most of the time.
We got a really nice and unpleasent surprise at the same time... turns out (although I have not really needed it) the AC is broken and has been broken all month. The nice part about it was that our electric bill was only $37. This was great for our first month and since Im still not working at the moment. Granted we still owed half the deposit so our actual amount due was a little larger but still this is GREAT! I thought it was going to be crazy expensive. After seeing this I wondered if maybe I could tough out the heat when Chris is not home this summer and keep our bill this low...doubt it! It sounds nice though. Ha.
Chris is off working all the time... So I am here in Olive Branch alone all the time...which is good I guess because we aren't married just yet. Lol. However, it is coming up so quickly! Only around 8 weeks left. My parents have been working hard getting the land ready for all of our guest and I finally sent out invitations! I looked at my list and there is still a lot I have to do. First and foremost Chris needs to get his tux...what kind of a wedding would that be if everyone but the groom had a matching tux...haha. Actually it may look just right considering who we are...silly people. Lol. :)
I will be posting anther post really soon about the house updates and all. Several people have been asking about pictures of the house...don't worry they are coming. Just wanted to get it somewhat in order first. No one wants to see a messy house over the internet...you can just come over for that! Hahah. Just playing.
I miss my family and my friends! Love you all!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Life In Olive Branch
So, since moving here I have had no time at all to post on here so I figured it was time. Lol. We don't have internet and writing a blog on my phone is not the easiest thing to do. Chris and I got a house in Olive Branch, MS. We are about 1 min from his job so it is really convient. We have been blessed with our first home. We have a nice, 3 bed and 2 bath home, with a big, privacy fenced in back yard. I can't wait to have Bama, my lab up here. It has been a big adjustment. I have been here almost two weeks and I am learning a lot and learning it quickly. I have a lot of worries and some days are much harder than others but I make it through. I am here alone most of the time... Being that Chris works so much on the road... And that we are not married yet... I'm at the house alone. I've been Job searching... This is a downer. Lol. I want to work not only to have extra income but to keep active. Inbetween all of this we are also looking for a new church home. I miss my family... A lot. Growing up and moving away is a lot harder than I thought it would be... None the less I am excited about this new adventure. Scary... And I wish I could spare us some of the hard lessons but... Depending on God is becoming more real everyday.
Here are some pictures of our random adventures since being here. I will upload some of our house soon. I can't wait to have internet!
The pictures are: Chris at lunch, my first home meal here ( chicken and veggies), chickens in our yard (thanks to our neighboors), Chris fixing the furniture we were moving in, and Charlie sitting in Chris's lap watching him play bb on the Xbox. Lol.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Changes for health
1. No more sodas (you can do it Lucy!!!)
2. No more food after 7! (this will be hard because I am one to stay up late and always munch, and my body shows it!)
3. I will exercise EVERYDAY for at least 30 mins. (at home... videos, bands, walking...just something to get my heart going)
4. I will eat HEALTHY food portion sizes! And learn to know the difference from being satisfied and full.
I am not going to add more onto myself than I think I can handle... So I am starting with this. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Repeat until it becomes, I know I can, I know I can...
Praying, praying, praying... Im tired of being the same. I pray that I get to where I love to be involved in healthy activities and get enough courage to go out and be active even in front of people. I know there is happiness in it. I just have to actually stick with it long enough this time to get it done. I wish I had a support group or friend that was available to go through this with me. But, friends will come in time I am sure... maybe. lol. Everyone I know is pretty good looking. Ah well... I can do it... I have to.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Reading Challange
Jennifer Weiners Book: "Best Friends Forever" was a pretty good book. I actually JUST finished this one about two mornings ago. Here is what the back of the books says:

These two books are both by Jeanette Windle. They look exciting and are in the same catagory as "My Hands Came Away Red" so I am excited to get to these two. I have made a list of about 12 books that I know for sure I want to read and will surely find more as I go along! I would love to read all of Denise Hunters books (she has 17) and Lisa McKay's also. So.... Here I GO!! :)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year
On to other things! Church was amazing today. Did I mention that I loved worshiping!? Lol. Then I got a phone call from Chris saying that he was in Meridian, so I high tailed it up here to spend tonight, tomorrow...well until tuesday morning with him. I have a lot of expectations for this new year. 2012 is going to be all that it can be...Greatness. I just know it.
Thank you God for another Year!!! :)