Monday, December 6, 2010

Da da dee da da AYY?

Lol, I am feeling pretty random tonight.

Today was a pretty good day for the most part. I had a job interview with the company my dad works for, JCI. It was interesting. I am praying that I get the position, one because I really, really, need it and two, it is a great company to work for and would do me well in the long run!

Whatever happens, I know God has a plan! On the other hand, My love is sick and I can not be with him. I hate it when he gets like this and I can't take care of him. But, until we are married we are just limited to the things we can do. :( Still, I wish I could be the one making him soup and telling him to go lay down. Lol. One day...

What do you think about this COLD weather!? I am loving it, although it was very nippy today! The only thing that I could do without is the part where the cold air slams you in the face and it takes your breath away. Lol. No thank you. Other than that, BRING it on!

I miss my daddy today. He won't be home again until Thursday, like every week. But today for some reason I miss him more than usual. Maybe it was because I was interviewing at his company or something...I dont know, really. I will be glad when he is home.

This weekend has a lot in store. I have a photography shoot on saturday, as well as an evening with the love of my life. On sunday we are going to another Christmas concert with my family. I love them. This time of the year makes me so happy.

However, being broke around Christmas comes with the worst feeling. I love to buy for people, but I am barely able to do it this year. Everyone is having a tough year, but I was reminded today that it is not the gifts that we give to each other but the gift that was GIVEN to us over 2000 years ago that counts...its the only thing that counts! How awesome. It made me feel a lot better. But, then again, I dont really care all that much about getting the gifts for myself, but I can not stand not buying my parents, jared, john, his family etc. gifts! Its taking a lot in me from not running to the stores and blowing up a credit card! Lol.

Oh well, this Christmas I think I will challange my family and friends to, instead of buying an extra "just want" gift, maybe go to the soup kitchen or go feed the homeless...I love that kind of stuff, and we need to do more of it! I miss working with the homeless and I need to start it up again.

Here are some pics of when Rach and I used to go downtown once a week with the homeless...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A heavy heart.

I have to ask God for everything...Life is overwhelming at the moment.

 The things that make me happy :
This man...John Cody Hestand. He is my world, my everything.

My best friend...She is always there to make me laugh. I love you Rach!
These three...are a mess. But so very loyal.

My family...three people who support me in all good things i do, and will never let me down. 

This is all I have...God, my family, John, rach, and my loving animals...its ALL i need.